About Priscilla Arce


The Bridal bouquet is as unique and special as the bride herself! Let us help you build the bridal bouquet of your dreams! Shop bridal party mini bouquets, boutonnieres and florals for your Groom and groomsmen as well!


Floral Installations

Create a dried or fresh floral installation perfect for special events, the office, and even your home!


Wedding Florals

Choose from custom table centerpieces, installations and decor a la carte, or choose an all-inclusive wedding package!


Floral Arrangements

Shop our beautiful arrangements in sizes small, medium, large, and premium. Your choice of fresh or dried blooms!


Event Florals

Let us elevate your special moments with a customized selection of fresh and dried florals.

Contact us

I reached out to Priscilla to create an installment for my studio because I knew she was the one. I had attempted to make some in the past, but I was never 100% happy with the outcome. She exceeded my expectations with her customer service, and overall attention to detail. I could not be any happier with the result of the pieces she created for me based on only inspo pictures, and her service! She gained a forever client, and I look forward to purchasing more beautiful blooms! Her talent speaks for itself, and you will not regret investing in her work.


Priscilla is an absolute gem to work with. We had a custom order and she absolutely emulated our vision and more! She is responsive and open to all ideas, so it makes communication so organic. We will definitely be reaching out for all dried floral needs in the future!


First off, I wanna say, I am in love!! Priscilla’s work is so elegant & quality is amazing!! She’s seriously so talented & loved all her work that we left it all to her!! We were definitely not worried about the outcome & trusted her completely with this project. All we did was choose the tones and she brought our vision to life. Now every time our clients come in, first thing they notice in our suite is the little corner with the most perfect dried arrangement! Book her now!!! 
